Insight into the mind of a redneck from Dunbarton, New Hampshire
Essencay's Articles In Home & Family
September 29, 2004 by Essencay
The first in hopefully a series of articles about my life with my new son Patrick who came into our world on September 17, 2004 And so it begins, just about a week before Patrick was born I found out why my wife got me a brand new set of mechanics tools and a fine looking black Craftsman Tool Chest and Storage Cabinet last year for build stuff for my son. Not because I might have aspirations of one day finally learning how to change the oil in my own vehicles at worst or bec...
November 6, 2004 by Essencay
Family is asleep right now, which is good. Susan looked whipped yesterday after her first day back to work. That's what short nights and a long workday will do to you. At least during the time when she was home, she could take catnaps when Patrick was sleeping. She's the greatest woman I know Yesterday, since I had to work as well, Paddy spent the day with his grandma. That's the nice thing close families....never worrying about where Paddy is going to have to spend the day while we're b...